Talking “Wrapping Up the Nom"

Welcome to the intro video and an excerpt from the seventeenth post of my weekly serial, “Sketches from the Café Confictura.” If you’d like to share a comment, please use the comment option at the end of this excerpt. To follow the mystery of Applewood, and get recipes from Mrs. Creaverton, writing advice from Roscoe Belesprit, and fashion tips from the Fastionista, please visit for new posts every Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. EST.

“What has you so enamored of him?” I asked. Mrs. C usually doesn’t get swept up in politics.

She sat on the couch’s arm. She fit there nicely, actually, now that she’s down about twenty-five pounds since she started eating so much healthier in January. She said, “Well, I share his values. I think he’d make a good mayor. Same goes for the guy he’s running against in the primaries. But, with Masterson, I feel a kinship. When I saw Mr. Creaverton just after he passed, I told some people about the encounter and I was ostracized for a time. You know how people were in this town before the ghosts really started kicking up a storm after 11/5. A full-spectre paranormal encounter was sacrosanct. Half the people I told were jealous of me, half thought I was making it up for attention. Masterson went through a similar experience. He still gets flack, since he’s the first major candidate around here to admit he had the same kind of encounter. He’s up against that kind of malarkey and he still puts himself in the public eye, striving to make his dreams come true. I’m pretty inspired by that. I really wish, just for now, I lived in Speroton so I could vote for him.” She grinned. “But at least letting him campaign here might help secure him the nomination.”

“Why Confictura?” said Roscoe, his voice a touch gruff. Everyone knows Roscoe’s in love with Mrs. Creaverton; everyone, that is, except Mrs. Creaverton. Whenever she inadvertently reminds him that the ghost of Mr. Creaverton is still hanging around, he gets a little prickly.

“His advisor guy on the phone said Masterson loves the café’s story,” said Mrs. C. “That we were lucky to be a rock in the midst of the quake, business hasn’t suffered, people love coming here. He sort of holds us up as an ideal. And I guess he’s heard about the changes I’ve made in my own diet and with some of the café’s recipes.” She started to get flushed as the phone rang again.

Her flush quickly drained. “Oh, really?” she said. She tried to keep her voice light, but the look on her face was one of disgust. “I see. There’s not, by any chance, anyone else who could maybe do it instead? No, no, that’s fine. I was just wondering. I’ll be looking forward to it.”

We got the skinny when she hung up, and said flatly, “One of their campaign people, who lives in Applewood, can meet me here tomorrow to go over the schedule, figure out where in the café he’ll be set up, things like that. And that person is none other than Ms. Nessie Fyne.”

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