Talking “Peace of Pizza"

Welcome to the intro video and an excerpt from the fourteenth post of my weekly serial, “Sketches from the Café Confictura.” If you’d like to share a comment, please use the comment option at the end of this excerpt. To follow the mystery of Applewood, and get recipes from Mrs. Creaverton, writing advice from Roscoe Belesprit, and fashion tips from the Fastionista, please visit for new posts every Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. EST.

Of course, not long after Wilhelmina, Violet, and I resurfaced from our adventure underground on Friday night, rumors started rolling about the hooded man haunting the secret tunnels beneath the town. Okay, maybe that was our fault a little bit. We’d hardly kept our voices down talking about it back at the café. And then there were the fliers. Wilhelmina had sketched out a wanted poster with “Have you seen this man?” in bold lettering at the top, copied it, and we all three handed them out over the weekend and yesterday. So, you know, maybe that had something to do with the spike in gossip.

Mark Raynid, the “entertainment” columnist for the Applewood Timber--who is actually little more than a town crier of hearsay, a scribe of scuttlebutt--Mark devoted a special edition of his column last night to “hooded man sightings.” Which is strange considering that before the three of us saw this guy skulking through the underground tunnels, no one had ever mentioned him. Well, either Mr. Moleman felt the need for a weekend out on the town, perhaps a few drinks at the Sloshed Guzzler, maybe get his hood cleaned at the Fluf-N-Fold; or the town’s imagination was starting to run wild. Whatever the explanation, Mark’s column was hardly hurting for material.

And people were starting to get nervous.

I attribute, then, Confictura’s unusually busy past few days to this growing cloud of apprehension. The prospect of a strange tall man running around with an electrified lightning rod is a little less disturbing when you’re surrounded by people. Add to that Confictura’s perpetually warm lighting, buzz of espresso machines, and smell of apple tarts, and you’ve got an almost holiday atmosphere of friends and family wrapped around you. Who can be scared in that?

Violet and I took it as a hopeful sign when one of the people seeking refuge here was none other than our Roscoe Belesprit. Since he and Mrs. Creaverton have been at war, we’ve hardly seen him around, except for Wednesday night meetings of his “How to Write a Novel in 30 Years” literary salon. On Sunday afternoon, though, he poked his head in the door, ordered an almond milk latte and two of Mrs. C’s new vegan cupcakes, and read in a corner of the Book Room. Neither of them started arguing with the other. This was a huge step. So Violet, perhaps emboldened by our recent adventure underground, decided to push them another step forward.

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